McGinnis Named VP American Re Broker Market Finite Risk Department

June 16, 2004

American Re Broker Market announced that Daniel McGinnis has joined the company as Vice President and Finite Risk Underwriter.

He will be involved in underwriting the full range of finite risk business that the company offers, including loss portfolio transfers, adverse development covers, prospective aggregate stop loss covers and structured quota shares.

McGinnis formerly worked in the Risk Finance Division of AIG, and in the Advanced Risk Solutions practice of Marsh, Inc. “American Re is committed to meeting the finite risk needs of its broker market clients, and will continue to add the resources necessary to support this growing business. We are sure Dan will be a valuable resource for both American Re and our clients,” stated Russ Wenitsky, Sr. VP and Chief Underwriting Officer – Finite Risk.

The bulletin described the Broker Market as “a division of American Re-Insurance Company that provides U.S. ceding companies with access to American Re capacity through reinsurance intermediaries. American Re Broker Market underwrites a broad base of traditional treaty reinsurance products for the Company, including nearly all lines of property and casualty reinsurance, as well as finite risk. Business is written on an excess of loss, pro rata, and aggregate basis.”