Associations Grant Mutual Waivers in CPCU, WCP Designation Programs

June 7, 2004

The American Institute for CPCU and the Insurance Institute of America (AICPCU/IIA) and the American Society of Workers Comp Professionals (AMCOMP) announced that they are granting mutual waivers in their respective designation programs. People who hold AMCOMP’s Workers Compensation Professional (WCP) designation can waive the CPCU 520—Insurance Operations, Regulation, and Statutory Accounting course in AICPCU/IIA’s Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) program. Likewise, people who hold the CPCU designation can waive the Part One requirement in the WCP program.

To earn AMCOMP’s WCP designation, a candidate must complete a three-part requirement. Part One is based on a textbook that AICPCU/IIA developed for its CPCU 520 course. Mastery of that material is tested in Part One and again in Part Three of the WCP designation requirements. Therefore, WCP designation holders have mastered the majority of the CPCU 520 material as part of the WCP curriculum.

For more information about the WCP designation or membership in the AMCOMP association, call (212) 867-0228. For more information about the CPCU designation, contact (800) 644-2101.