AMS Users’ Group Accepting Nominations for 2004 Wade S. Dunbar, Jr. Award

January 22, 2004

The AMS Users’ Group recently began accepting nominations for the Wade S. Dunbar, Jr. Award. This honor was created in 1988, in remembrance of a vibrant North Carolina agency principal whose lifelong dream was industry automation.

“Wade Dunbar worked to create a spirit of cooperation among agents, insurance companies and automation providers, with the purpose of streamlining the entire insurance process,” said Roy Riley, president of The AMS Users’ Group. “This award recognizes individuals who consistently demonstrate this same level of commitment for the good of the industry—a catalyst, if you will, for change.”

To qualify for consideration, nominees must be involved in automation and technology, exhibit exemplary personal standards, and have garnered recognized achievements while serving the industry from a vendor, insurance company, agency or industry organization perspective. The accent of this award is on industry-wide achievements, so nominees should not be solely focused on just one vendor or carrier, but instead, has risen above single organization purpose and achievements.

“The insurance/automation initiative has evolved over the years from single-entry, multi-company interface to a myriad of other initiatives,” commented Riley. “That said, the individual who receives this award will probably have been successful in ways that hadn’t even been recognized or developed when Wade was alive. Because of him—and people like him—this industry has come a long way.”

Nominees may include individuals—either active, retired or deceased–from agency vendors, agents, brokers, carriers or industry organizations. The winner will be announced at an awards luncheon at the 28th National Conference, held April 22-25, in Indianapolis.

If you would like to nominate a person for the 2004 Wade S. Dunbar award, complete and submit an online ballot at no later than Feb. 15, 2004.