W.F. Clayton Licenses FormsPlus XP

June 23, 2003

Allen Beggs, president and co-founder of QualCorp, Inc. announced that W.F. Clayton of Hackensack, N.J., will be licensing the FormsPlus XP for its office.

W.F. Clayton will use FormsPlus XP to issue the following lines of commercial insurance policies: auto liability & physical damage, garage keepers, garage liability and general liability in 17 states through American Southern Insurance Company.

W.F. Clayton will enter its initial submission into FormsPlus from QualCorp, Inc. Upon clearance and acceptance, the integration between Rackley Rating Systems and QualCorp, Inc. will automatically open up Rackley’s Rating software and populate it with the submission information entered into FormsPlus. After the underwriter has finished rating the risk, he/she will simply close the Rackley Rating software and all of the rating information will flow into QualCorp, Inc.’s FormsPlus policy issuance system to generate the quote.

From there the underwriter can convert the quote to a policy without any duplicate data entry. Policy administration including endorsements, cancellations, renewals and re-instatements will again be done through the bi-directional integration by QualCorp, Inc. with Rackley Rating Systems.

For more information, call (888) 367-6775 or e-mail: formsplus@qualcorp.com