The Hartford Group Offers Workers’ Comp Real-Time Quotes

May 30, 2003

Agents doing business with The Hartford Financial Services Group now can quote and request issuance of small commercial workers’ compensation business in real-time directly from their agency management system using Applied System’s Web Edits technology.

The capability reportedly saves time for agents using Applied Systems’ Agency Management system and helps streamline their workflows since they no longer have to log on to another Web site or proprietary site.

“This breakthrough capability represents the latest example of The Hartford’s commitment to use SEMCI (single entry, multiple company interface) and other technologies to help agents boost productivity by doing business the way they want – from their agency management systems,” Lisa Cox, senior vice president of e-Business Technology Solutions group at The Hartford, said. “With this new capability, agents no longer have to log onto another system. Instead, they can get a quote and request policy issuance while they’re working on the customer’s file.”

The Hartford is piloting this new capability with a select group of Applied agents. It plans to extend similar functionality to additional lines of business in the future.

The new real-time rating and quoting capability uses Web Edits, Applied Systems’ newest technology, with Web browser screens that prompt the agent for Hartford-specific information. This ensures the agent receives an accurate quote within seconds. Web Edits works in conjunction with IVANS Transformation Station(TM), a data exchange for real-time transactions, to send data to The Hartford in real-time based on ACORD XML standards.

The Web Edits technology expedites the quoting process by translating information the agent initially enters into the system and immediately returning Web screens specific to the type of workers’ compensation policy the agent wants to quote. In the past, agents would need to access the appropriate set of underwriting questions by opening a series of tabs, filling in the information and submitting them to The Hartford in an overnight process.