Former Marsh Exec Gets Iraqi Top Spot

May 8, 2003

L. Paul Bremer, former CEO of Marsh’s Crisis Consulting Practice, has been appointed presidential envoy to Iraq, the top civilian spot in charge of overseeing the administration of a temporary government regime in the country.

In his capacity as presidential envoy, he will oversee coalition reconstruction efforts and the process by which the Iraqi people build the institutions and governing structures that will guide their future. Gen. Tommy Franks will maintain command over coalition military personnel in the theater. Bremer will report to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and will advise the President, through Rumsfeld, on policies designed to achieve American and Coalition goals for Iraq.

Prior to joining Marsh, Bremer was managing director of the Kissinger Group. He joined the Kissinger Group after 23 years of service in the U.S. Diplomatic Corps under six Secretaries of State. In 1983, Bremer was named Ambassador to the Netherlands, and in 1986, President Reagan appointed him ambassador at large for Counter Terrorism. In 1999, Speaker Hastert appointed him as chairman of the National Commission on Terrorism.