Gross Elected a Director of NBIS Inc.

April 29, 2003

John Gross has been elected a director of Las Vegas, Nev.-based National Builders Insurance Services Inc. (NBIS), the manager and risk sharing partner with Builders and Contractors Insurance Company (RRG). Gross is charged with protecting the interests of the investors and shareholders. He will also assist president Peter Foley with making contacts with investors and future investors, as well as assisting with the reinsurance.

“I think it’s an honor,” Gross said of his election as a Director. “I’m looking forward to continuing my work in the insurance industry. This also gives me the opportunity to keep in contact with a lot of my friends that I’ve made over the years. It’s these contacts that will help NBIS grow and prosper.”

“I, as well as the entire team at NBIS, am excited about John Gross coming onto NBIS’s board of directors,” Foley said. “This is another step in our development of attracting independent directors with a breadth of experience that John brings to our board. John will work with the other board members and the senior management in developing the long range strategy for the Group.”

Gross, a 40-year veteran of the insurance industry, retired as managing director of Marsh Inc. in Jan. 2000, where he began his career in 1960. Gross began in the Personal Lines department, and then moved onto Commercial Lines handling the casualty portion of risk management accounts.

He currently serves a president for Trans Globe Partners LLC, a retail and wholesale brokerage operation Gross started in 2000. Currently, Trans Globe represents Liberty Mutual Ltd., Arch Insurance Company, Builders and Contractors Insurance Company and The Hanover Insurance Company.

At Marsh, Gross’ responsibilities included helping Marsh offices nationwide place their difficult liability coverages for clients, which included pharmaceuticals, chemicals, medical, hospitals and doctors, mining and railroads. Through this work, Gross became Marsh’s global marketing expert for liability insurance.

Gross has served on numerous Marsh Inc. committees over the years, including the Pharmaceutical and Chemical Committee and the Utility Committee. He served as chairman of the Railroad Industry committee for seven years.