Agents, Brokers Gather in Washington, D.C.

April 2, 2003 by

Washington, D.C. – With 70 degree weather and cherry blossoms in full bloom as the backdrop, agents and brokers arrived Wednesday to kick-off the 27th Annual IIABA National Legislative Conference.

The four-day event will include a number of interactions with Congressional members, speeches by several senators, which include Sen. Bill Frist (R-Tenn) and Sen. John Breaux (D-La.), and a chance to debate a number of issues impacting the industry in 2003.

The IIABA is a national alliance of some 300,000 business owners and their employees who offer a variety of insurance and financial products. The organization was founded in 1896 as the National Local Association of Fire Insurance Agents.

Among Wednesday’s activities are the Young Agents/Insur PAC State Chairs Luncheon and a Legislative Issues Briefing.

Senators Frist and Breaux are scheduled to address attendees at a breakfast session on Thursday.

Look for follow-up reports on the conference on both and the April 21 issue of Insurance Journal magazine.