NAIC President to Address PIA National

March 17, 2003

Mike Pickens, president of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), will address the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents on April 5, in Arlington, Va. Pickens will speak on industry issues during the PIA National Awards program and participate in meetings of PIA National policy committees.

During his remarks to PIA, Pickens will elaborate on his new initiative, ASSURE, the Alliance for Sound State Uniform Regulatory Efficiency. ASSURE is a non-profit coalition made up of regulators, consumers, legislators, industry and business leaders who believe that state governments are best equipped to regulate the insurance industry.

“PIA is pleased to welcome President Pickens and looks forward to hearing his perspective on the critical issues of importance to our members,” PIA’s national president Carl Stoecklin remarked. “In addition, we are proud to participate in ASSURE as part of PIA’s ongoing engagement with the NAIC. The financial services marketplace is continuing to evolve and our system of state-based insurance oversight must also continue to evolve to be more responsive to our members’ needs and the needs of their clients.”