Afni Insurance Services Releases CSR24 for Agents, Brokers

November 18, 2002

Afni Insurance Services has made available CSR24 for agents and brokers using the AMS Prime agency management system. CSR24 now extracts customer, policy, underwriting and coverage data directly from the AMS Prime system enabling Prime agencies to offer comprehensive (policy image) 24/7 service over the Internet and via the telephone to their customers.

CSR24 works with AMS Prime the same way it works with other AMS Agency Management Systems, AfW and Sagitta, as well as other industry systems like Applied’s WinTAM and Ebix solutions. CSR24 extracts a copy of the policy data from the agent’s system and posts it through a secured connection to Afni’s CSR24 servers. The data is then presented to those policyholders the agent has designated Internet access, enabling policyholders to view their policy information and make change requests anytime, and from anywhere. Additionally, if agents so designate, the policyholder has the ability to generate Certificates of Insurance and Auto ID Cards. The policyholder never touches or changes the original system data. The data is secure, and the agent mediates all transactions before binding or posting back to the agency management system.

CSR24 also provides 24/7 call center support for those policyholders without Internet access, those who prefer to speak with a representative, or for situations that make the phone a more convenient means of connecting. With the availability of Prime on CSR24, Afni Insurance Services call center personnel can now service Prime agencies and view their customer data over the Internet to handle incoming policyholder calls. The call center service supports agencies’ policyholders any time of the day, including during normal business hours, augmenting the staffing resources of the Prime agency whenever they need it.

“We’re very pleased to continue our strategy that brings agencies services that are both cost-effective and deliver a competitive advantage,” Richard Roy, chairman and CEO the Afni Insurance Services, formerly idNET, said. “The day-to-day issues for the Prime agency are different. Trying to stay competitive in a market that is increasing its demands on service is tough. Adding or expanding staff is every business’ greatest struggle. With the availability of our CSR24 product for Prime, we enable agencies to evaluate another alternative to meeting their customers’ demands. There is already extensive interest from Prime agencies and we’re pleased to be able to extend our services to them.”