RIMS Seeks Survey Participants

November 13, 2002

The Risk and Insurance Management Society Inc. (RIMS) and Advisen Ltd. are inviting the risk management and financial communities to participate in the new online RIMS Benchmark Survey(TM).

According to RIMS and Advisen, participants who contribute data to the Survey will receive immediate access to the Complimentary Contributor Service, which charts and schedules insurance programs and interactively compares contributor’s data with prior years’ Survey data. To participate RIMS members and other risk management and financial professionals can visit http://www.rims.org/benchmarksurvey. Participant support is available by calling (800) 655-6590.

Starting in January 2003, a Subscriber Benchmarking Service will allow subscribers to use interactive benchmarking tools to compare costs and programs against continuously updated marketplace data.

“RIMS is proud to introduce this service, which benchmarks individual data allowing risk and financial professionals access to new tools to view the risk-financing marketplace,” said Christopher Mandel, RIMS president. “This is a dynamic and much needed RIMS product that will be a critical resource to the membership.”

The new benchmarking service is produced by Advisen, a developer of online interactive software and information sourcing tools exclusively for insurance professionals.

“Advisen has modernized basic interaction with the survey and how participants both record and represent their risk-financing program,” said Thomas Ruggieri, CEO of Advisen. “This year’s survey offers risk management professionals entirely new tools for managing risk.”

The Benchmark Survey will be managed by James Blinn, an Advisen principal with over 15 years experience in leading prior surveys. “The Benchmark Survey provides participants with new, more valuable functionality that vaults the survey into the electronic age,” said Blinn.