SAFECO Invites Ind. Agents and Advisors to PlayBall

October 23, 2002

SAFECO has invited independent agents and financial advisors countrywide to nominate a local park or youth baseball field that needs a new electronic scoreboard in the agent’s community through its PlayBall Program.

PlayBall encourages kids’ participation in baseball and softball as a place for families to gather, foster a sense of community and offer children a fun and healthy pastime. PlayBall is entering the second year of a program which is part of Strengthening America’s Neighborhoods – a series of company-sponsored events, volunteer activities and grants programs that support or build communities in a variety of ways.

Through PlayBall, SAFECO will contribute $1 million over two years to donate scoreboards to youth baseball fields throughout the country. SAFECO is on its way to installing 32 scoreboards in 23 states in 2002, and expects to install an additional 30 scoreboards in 2003. SAFECO will pay for the construction and installation of the scoreboard, which costs approximately $20,000 each. SAFECO also will contribute to a promotional event to unveil the new scoreboard at which the nominating agent will be recognized. To demonstrate his or her support for the project, nominating agents are asked to contribute $2,500.

“PlayBall is one way of supporting the neighborhoods we serve through our network of independent agents and financial advisors,” Mike McGavick, SAFECO president and CEO, commented. “The local agent is someone you sit next to on the bleachers at your kid’s baseball game as well as the professional you seek advice from before purchasing insurance or investment products. PlayBall is a great way to honor independent agents and financial advisors and the neighborhoods they care about.”