IRMI Providing Free Tips on Surviving Hard Market

September 30, 2002

International Risk Management Institute, Inc., has published “The IRMI Hard Market Survival Guide 2002” on its Web site, The article provides 20 practical recommendations to help business executives, risk managers, and insurance professionals deal with current hard insurance market.

The action list covers topics such as how to negotiate tricky coverages (e.g., terrorism, mold), getting harried underwriters to look at your renewal submission with favor, evaluating your firm’s property loss exposure including debris removal, and examining alternatives to the traditional insurance marketplace.

IRMI President Jack Gibson noted, “We’re doing our best here at IRMI to help risk professionals navigate the hard market’s turbulent waters so that they can sail right through the storm to calmer markets in the future.”

To view these tips, visit and link to the article from the description at the top of the page.