First Notice Systems, ptc-NET Form Alliance for Streamlining Property Claims

July 16, 2002

First Notice Systems, a provider in claim reporting solutions to the industry, and Alacrity Services’ ptc-NET managed contractor network, a structural loss estimating service and direct repair program, have formed a strategic alliance that unites the strengths of the two companies. The joint offering lets policyholders choose a contractor to repair property damage at the time they report their claims.

“Ptc-NET has cut carriers’ loss expenses and loss adjusting expenses as a stand-alone service,” Warren Erickson, president of Alacrity Services, the parent company of ptc-NET, said. Since 1999, ptc-NET has produced more than 150,000 structural loss estimates and managed more than $320 million in direct structural repairs. “Now, with First Notice, our service is even more compelling since policyholders are given an immediate choice of contractors who can arrive on site within hours.”

When a policyholder reports a claim to First Notice, the company’s web based claim intake platform, ClaimCaptureâ„¢, applies a carrier’s business rules to determine if the caller qualifies for a ptc-NET contractor referral. Carriers customize their referral criteria, including geography, loss type and loss amount. First Notice then accesses ptc-NET’s network, which includes 2,200 contractors throughout the U.S., to find contractors that meet the criteria. Policyholders can elect to have a contractor visit the damage site and generate an estimate without any obligation to use this contractor. In emergencies, contractors follow up with policyholders within one hour and are on site within four hours. In non-emergency cases, policyholders are contacted within 24 hours and visited shortly thereafter. Once on-site, ptc-NET contractors create estimates using pre-approved pricing guidelines and, if they complete any repairs, guarantee workmanship for 3 years and materials for 1 year.

The combined solution between ptc-NET and First Notice is available for immediate implementation.