Applied Systems Launches Data Storage and Recovery Service for Clients of The Agency Manager®

June 19, 2002

Applied Systems®, an automation solutions provider for the P/C industry, is making available a service that will prevent the critical data of an agency’s business from being lost or destroyed due to a disaster or catastrophe. The agency data is stored and transmitted via a secure Internet connection as part of an automated weekly utility within The Agency Manager.

Applied’s Data Storage and Recovery Service is a program that is initiated weekly as part of a scheduled routine. Data is streamed over a high-speed line such as DSL cable or T1 and stored at a secure, state-of-the-art data center. The process is transparent to the client since it is integrated with The Agency Manager (TAM).

The process to store or recover data from the TAMCentral data center is simple.

Data packets are sent as XML streams via the Internet. The data packets are encrypted further protecting the contents. When the data is completely received, they are stored on a securely housed server for immediate recovery. Because the data is stored in Applied’s data center, client’s can quickly recover from a catastrophic system failure such as server failure, theft, fire, etc., by having the data placed on the TAMCentral environment for online access, or having a copy of their agency’s data returned on a CD.

The service is available to customers on The Agency Manager 6.3 and newer at a reasonable monthly fee.