Ascendant One, Deloitte and Touche RMIS/Lab Form Affiliation

May 23, 2002

AscendantOne, Inc. and The Deloitte & Touche RMIS/Lab have formed a joint relationship to provide advanced, Web/network-ready solutions and services for property & casualty insurance underwriting, rate/quote, policy and account management. As a new member of The RMIS/Lab solution portfolio, the AscendantOne Solution Suite is currently being showcased in The RMIS/Lab’s Hartford, Conn., facility.

The Deloitte & Touche Risk & Insurance Technology Services and RMIS/Lab features a one-stop solution for technology analysis, selection, and implementation. Its Risk & Insurance Technology consultants provide products and services to financial institutions, insurance companies, self-insured organizations, and other entities involved in the purchase, distribution or management of risk and insurance.

AscendantOne’s Solution Suite contains network-based business technology for productive P&C marketing, cost-effective ongoing rate management, secure policy administration and efficient insurance-tailored CRM. With an XML-based component design, AscendantOne’s n-tier system architecture is fully Web-addressable and highly configurable by business analysts.