Travelers Completes Workers’ Comp Information Update

May 16, 2002

Travelers’ Property Casualty has finished its second phase in offering information on workers’ compensation directly to injured workers—via the Internet at

With its introduction last fall, the features included allowing injured workers to locate state workers’ comp benefit explanations, print forms, get answers to frequently asked questions, find a local claim office, obtain medical self-care tips for selected injuries, as well as receive home delivery of pharmaceutical needs. Workers now can get secured access to specific claim-related financial information, direct e-mail contact with their Travelers claim handler, and a Spanish translation option.

Vincent Armentano, vice president for workers’ compensation, noted that in the first nine months of the operation, the site received more than 170,000 hits. Since its launch, first-time visitors have doubled, with the average number of contacts made per day increasing nearly 20 percent.