Sen. Dodd to Address IIAA National Legislative Conference

February 7, 2002

Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.), an influential leader on insurance issues in the U.S. Senate, will be a keynote speaker at the 26th Annual Independent Insurance Agents of America (IIAA) National Legislative Conference this spring, speaking to nearly 800 independent insurance agents and brokers.

Dodd joins House Financial Services Committee Chairman Michael G. Oxley (R-Ohio) on the docket for the Big “I” legislative meeting. The IIAA legislative conclave will be held April 10-12 at the Capital Hilton Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C. Oxley will speak at an April 11 breakfast session, and Dodd will address the gathering at the next morning’s session. Dodd is a senior member of the Senate Banking Committee and is an outspoken advocate of insurance issues in the chamber. Last year, Dodd drove the effort to approve a terrorism reinsurance bill to the brink of passage, and will be key in pushing the measure again this year.

“Sen. Dodd is highly respected and is consistently sought out by his Senate peers for insight on insurance issues,” said IIAA CEO Robert A. Rusbuldt. “Because he is a leader on insurance issues, he will offer National Legislative Conference attendees unique insight on a range of insurance and small business concerns being debated by the Congress.”

Key among those issues Dodd and the Senate will address in 2002 will be terrorism insurance.

As economic indicators begin to show that the lack of available and affordable terrorism insurance is having an impact on businesses and the economy, the Senate will revisit the issue. Dodd will play a leading role in shaping the debate and leading this effort, commented Rusbuldt.

“Over the years, no one has been more important to agent and insurance issues in the Senate than Sen. Dodd. We have had the pleasure and honor of working closely with the senator on a number of issues over the years, most notably financial services reform legislation,” said Maria L. Berthoud, IIAA senior vice president of federal government affairs. “Sen. Dodd is well-respected by his colleagues and a key player in the Senate’s review of the issues important to the industry. He also is highly respected by the agent and broker community for his efforts.”

Highlights of the 2002 National Legislative Conference will include an in-depth issues briefing session, the eighth annual IIAA Congressional Reception, additional appearances by other high-profile political speakers discussing the important insurance and national issues confronting lawmakers and agents in Washington, and hundreds of meetings on Capitol Hill between IIAA agents and their elected representatives in Congress.

The 2002 legislative agenda on Capitol Hill will spotlight a number of agent and broker issues including insurance regulation, terrorism insurance, tax cuts for small businesses, health insurance and managed care, medical and insurance privacy, retirement reform, natural disaster legislation, flood insurance, and other pressing concerns.