NAIC Changes Dates of Fall National Meeting

January 29, 2002

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) announced that the dates for its Fall National Meeting in New Orleans, La., have been changed to Sept. 9-12, 2002. The meeting will continue to be held at the New Orleans Hilton.

After considerable negotiation with the convention hotel, the Meetings Coordination Task Force was able to change the original meeting dates, which conflicted with the Jewish High Holiday of Rosh Hashanah. The two-day holiday begins at sundown on Friday, Sept. 6 and ends at sundown on Sunday, Sept. 8.

“Many of our regular meeting attendees expressed concern that they would be unable to attend the fall meeting with the dates as originally scheduled,” said North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Jim Long, who chairs the task force. “We are pleased to offer a schedule change that is inclusive of all regulators and interested parties, who are both necessary and valuable to the NAIC process.”