AMS User’s Group Unveils Plans for 26th National Conference

January 24, 2002

AMS Users’ Group recently unveiled plans for its National Conference, to be held March 21-24, 2002, at the Wyndam Anatole Hotel in Dallas, Texas. Scheduled for the four-day conference is a wide variety of education, exhibits and new opportunities for independent insurance agents around the country to find new ways to streamline their businesses through automation.

According to AMS Users’ Group, this year’s conference, “TEAM AMS 2002 — Integrating Your Future,” offers an Olympic-style theme, with an action-packed agenda as vibrant as the Games themselves.

“Now, more than ever, independent agents reflect the very essence of America and the American dream,” said Dirk Boudreaux, president of The AMS Users’ Group. “In light of recent national events, the independent agent system is more important than ever. The goal of this conference is to help each attending agent find more efficient ways to drive their success. In short, we’re helping them Go for the Gold.”

This Olympic theme will be the dominant thread throughout the conference, beginning with an opening ceremony, which the users’ group promises to be spectacular. More importantly, the conference program will be filled with real-world solutions to today’s automation challenges.

AMS Users’ Group noted that its National Conference has long been recognized as a top automation education event in the industry because it brings together all the elements of agency management. Although specific sessions are available for attendees who work directly with agency automation, many of the conference programs focus on topics directly related to agency management, including sales, mergers and acquisitions, benchmark performance and training.

The AMS Users’ Group National Conference also gives agents the opportunity to view a variety of new products from third-party vendors that can be integrated into their existing systems to improve efficiency.

“There’s no other conference that gives Independent Agents such a powerful combination of exhibits, seminars and one-on-one training,” Boudreaux commented. “It’s the best four-day investment any agent can make in the ongoing success of his or her business.”

AMS users can register for the conference by calling 1-800-456-7799, or logging on to to complete an online registration form.

The AMS Users’ Group represents more than 9,000 independent insurance agencies that use AMS Services Inc. agency management systems. The group’s main objective of “agents sharing insurance computer knowledge” is accomplished through various education, communication, and advocacy programs.