EQECAT Sponsors Innovations in Catastrophe Management Conference

December 5, 2001

EQECAT, a catastrophe modeler and consultant to the insurance and financial services industry, will sponsor a conference titled “Innovations in Catastrophe Management” in Ft. Myers, Fla., on March 3-6, 2002. Speakers from the insurance, reinsurance, financial services and catastrophe modeling communities will discuss catastrophe management topics including:

Terrorism and Political Risk

Challenges of Underwriting High Rise Buildings

Flood Risk in the U.S and Europe

Winter Storm and Ice Modeling Strategies

US Seismic Hazard Updates

Hurricane Season Outlook

Tornado and Hail Risk Management

Participants will have the opportunity to review EQECAT’s latest software models and consulting capabilities.

The conference will take place at the Sanibel Harbour Resort in Ft. Myers, Fla. For more information on the conference, call (510) 817-3100.