E-Risk Services Launches The Broker Zone for Its Appointed Producers

December 3, 2001

E-Risk Services LLC recently released an online resource for its appointed producers. “The Broker Zone,” located on the company’s website, www.eriskservices.com, has information to help producers deal with the changing sales cycle of management liability insurance.

E-Risk appointed producers can now access strategic selling tools for private company D&O, EPL, Fiduciary and Crime Insurance.

Steven Dyson, executive vice president at E-Risk, commented that current market and economic conditions are causing brokers to spend more time on educating their customers on coverage nuances and explaining why they need to either purchase or renew management liability insurance. The company sees potential for The Broker Zone to address the unique information needs of brokers and their customers.

E-Risk Services LLC offers management liability insurance (including D&O, EPL, Fiduciary, Crime, Miscellaneous E&O and Cyber E&O Liability) on a surplus lines basis for private company businesses.