IIAA Establishes Industry Disaster Resource Website

September 21, 2001

The Independent Insurance Agents of America’s (IIAA) Virtual University has established an insurance industry resource page to explain the insurance implications of the recent tragedies in New York and Washington D.C.

“We are temporarily replacing the Virtual University home page with this special edition,” stated William C. Wilson Jr., director of IIAA’s Virtual University. “The Virtual University features a clearinghouse of information relating to last week’s terrorist attacks.

“During these trying times consumers have posed many questions to agents, and while many of these questions can easily be answered, many more require an expert to step in and provide assistance. Virtual University’s ‘Ask an Expert’ service is supplying agents much-needed guidance to properly assist their clients.”

IIAA is receiving numerous questions and comments regarding the insurance implications of the terrorist attacks, along with countless inquiries about humanitarian relief efforts. IIAA’s Virtual University special edition website consists of articles, links and relevant information, including:

An article titled “P&C Insurance Implications of Terrorist Attacks”
An article titled “L&H Insurance Implications of Terrorist Attacks”
Free consumer and industry “Ask an Expert” service for insurance questions Expert Q&A section
Industry news
General news
Humanitarian efforts and information
Information on America’s Survivor Relief Fund, a victim and survivor relief fund established by IIAA and the Independent Insurance Agents Association of New York
Survivor database and World Trade Center tenant lists
Disaster links
Live camera views of the World Trade Center site
Editorials and information on scams and hoaxes

To access the Virtual University resource page, go to IIAA’s website at www.independentagent.com and click on the Education button. You also can obtain a free subscription to the Virtual University’s e-mail newsletter via this site.

In addition, it was announced on Sept. 18 that contributions to America’s Survivor Relief Fund, created by the IIAA and the IIAANY to benefit victims and surviving family members of last week’s terrorist attacks, have surpassed the $50,000 in just two business days, announced IIAA CEO Robert A. Rusbuldt.

“America’s Survivor Relief Fund has received tremendous response from agents, IIAA state associations and concerned individuals within the industry,” Rusbuldt stated. “In such a short time contributions to the relief fund have reached nearly $53,000. This is an awe-inspiring and heartfelt start, but the relief effort requires all Americans to come together and support the survivors and the victims’ families through financial contributions and other acts of kindness. We encourage agents, their clients and company partners to donate to this worthy cause or their favorite local charity.”

One hundred percent of the money raised by America’s Survivor Relief Fund will go directly to aiding victims and survivors of individuals killed in this week’s tragedies. Contributions to America’s Survivor Relief Fund qualify as tax-deductible to the extent such deductions are available to the taxpayer.

Rusbuldt also announced that America’s Survivor Relief Fund is now accepting credit card contributions online. America’s Survivor Relief Fund accepts donations via MasterCard, Visa and Discover credit cards. In addition, individuals and businesses also may contribute through electronic fund transfer (EFT), credit card by phone, or a check through the mail.

The fund was created to direct contributions from IIAA members, their clients, industry professionals and concerned individuals to benefit victims and surviving family members of individuals who lost their lives in last week’s terrorist attacks in New York City and around the country.

To make a contribution electronically, click on the electronic funds transfer hyperlink and complete the EFT form. The pre-set form contains several fields that must be completed to submit the contribution. Contributors selecting this option will need a copy of a check so they can enter their check routing and checking account numbers in the EFT form.

Make credit card payments directly online at the secure website or call InsurBanc toll free at (866) 467-2262. Each business day between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EDT, InsurBanc staff will be charging contributions directly over the phone. After 5 p.m., callers are asked to leave their name and phone number. InsurBanc staff will return calls the next business day.

To contribute by check, send a check made payable to America’s Survivor Relief Fund to America’s Survivor Relief Fund, c/o InsurBanc, P.O. Box 615, Farmington, Conn. 06034.

All individual and business contributors to America’s Survivor Relief Fund will receive a statement documenting their donation to this worthy cause for use when preparing tax returns.