MDA Announces Improved Information Product for U.S. Insurance Industry

June 1, 2001

The Information Products Group of MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. unveiled a new version of its Home Replacement Cost Estimator, renamed the Replacement Cost Calculator. According to the company, the new version of the home replacement cost-estimating tool now has double the number of features it had before.

The Replacement Cost Calculator was developed by MDA subsidiary DataQuick to save time and money for both insurance agents and homeowners by streamlining the insurance application process.

By receiving replacement cost estimates at their desk, in real time, agents can avoid expensive and time-consuming site visits and interviews.

Reconstruction cost estimates are based on local labor and materials, not just average square footage. In addition, using property characteristics provided by the MDA Information Products Group, the Replacement Cost Calculator can answer many questions the homeowners may not be able to answer themselves.