CCInets Offers New Management Tool

December 18, 2000

CCInets Inc. has introduced its new Internet Management Tool, the CCBox. CCBox tracks e-mail/web usage and redundant mail for independent agents and their commercial lines customers. Internet services include firewall, email, web/email tracking, redundant e-mail, proxy server/caching, network address translation, and more.

Email services allow the agency owner or administrator to generate email accounts that eliminate the need to wait on a call from an ISP. Employees may have more than one email address and can be part of distribution lists. The distribution list is controlled by the agency owner or administrator to establish consistency in setting up e-mail and e-mail groups. When carriers, clients and vendors communicate with an agency, it is consistent and monitored.

CCInets also provides redundant email for its customers. If an Internet connection goes down, CCInets holds and then forwards the email when the connection is back up.