American Skandia Names VP of Investor Relations

December 15, 2000

Timothy J. Klahs has been appointed vice president of investor relations for American Skandia Inc. Klahs will develop and execute a U.S. investor relations strategy for American Skandia, one of the nation’s leading providers of variable insurance products and the largest subsidiary of Skandia Insurance Company, the largest insurance group in Scandinavia.

A graduate of Harvard University and The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Klahs joins American Skandia from IMRglobal Corporation, Clearwater, Florida. While at IMRglobal, Klahs instituted an investor relations program and performed a critical role in achieving recognition of the value of the company, whose equity doubled in value within a six-month period. In addition, Klahs repositioned the company within the industry to emphasize the growth potential of important sub-sectors of business, the value of franchise, and timeliness and validity of the company’s business model.

Previously, Klahs worked for SFX Broadcasting, Inc. as director of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications, and Dean Witter Discover & Company, as vice president of Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.