Allstate Appoints Ethnic Marketing Directors

November 29, 2000

Allstate Insurance Co. has appointed three new ethnic marketing directors to expand business opportunities with Hispanic, Asian and African-American consumers. Leonor Cortez Cockrum, Jennifer Davis and Ken Omura will lead the company’s effort to tap into markets that account for more than $1 trillion of buying power in the United States and represent consumer segments that are growing faster than the general consumer market. The team will report to Raymond Celaya, assistant vice president of ethnic marketing.

Cockrum, who will direct Hispanic marketing efforts, joined Allstate in 1980 as a sales agent in Oakbrook, IL. She has been a leader in various sales and marketing positions, leadership-training programs and in the development and implementation of Allstate agency computer systems. Prior to her current assignment, Cockrum was sales director supporting the implementation of Allstate’s risk management initiative.

Davis, who will oversee African-American marketing, began her career at Allstate in 1989 working in various managerial capacities in education, claims, and human resources. Davis also headed internal and external communications for several Allstate business units such as international, finance and mergers and acquisitions. Most recently she served as the corporate relations manager responsible for the urban marketing strategy, African-American relationship marketing strategy and the company’s neighborhood revitalization efforts.

Omura, who will be in charge of Asian marketing, joined Allstate in 1986 as an attorney. He worked in the investment law, corporate law and property and casualty law divisions. His background includes experience in real estate, corporate and international law, mergers and acquisitions and insurance law.