Buse Named President of IIAA’s For-Profit Subsidiaries

November 27, 2000

Paul A. Buse has been named president of the Independent Insurance Agents of America’s for-profit subsidiaries, IIAA Membership Services Inc. and IIAA Agency Administrative Services Inc.

As president, Buse will handle the day-to-day management of marketing IIAA’s endorsed products and services to nearly 25,000 member agencies across the country and develop new business opportunities for the for-profit operation. He will work closely with the for-profit company’s board of directors and IIAA’s volunteer and senior staff management to fill the needs of IIAA’s 300,000 members and to identify new business opportunities for IIAA. IIAA’s products include an insurance agent’s errors and omissions program, a retirement and benefit services division, products that member agents can sell to their customers, and several other member-focused business resources.

Over the last year, Buse has worked with IIAA state associations to bring an array of specialty-market products to the Internet via the creation of the electronic product conduit called Big “I” Markets. Buse currently is working on obtaining external financing for the Big “I” Markets project and overseeing what is anticipated to be the dramatic growth of this cutting-edge market conduit.

Buse came to IIAA from Risk Management Services, the consulting unit of Aon Services Group in Washington, D.C., where he served as vice president and director of banks-in-insurance consulting. He is co-author of the “BankTool” published by the American Bankers Association and co-authored the jointly sponsored IIAA/ABA 1997 “Banks-in-Insurance” survey. He received an MBA in Finance and Risk Management from the University of Wisconsin. Buse started his insurance career at a member property/casualty insurance agency in Madison, Wisconsin, in 1982.