Cygron Releases DataScope 4.0

November 13, 2000

Cygron Inc., has released DataScope 4.0 — a major upgrade to its visual data mining and decision support platform.

By adding prediction, knowledge discovery and automation features to the advanced data visualization and decision support capabilities of version 3.0, DataScope 4.0 offers a fully integrated data analysis solution that addresses all phases of the data mining process.

Its new modular architecture makes it easy to use as a standalone product or integrate into any third-party application.

Target applications for the new release include customer relationship management, customer profiling, predicting customer churn, supply chain analysis, assessment of loan applicants, fraud detection, scoring of decision alternatives, and many more.

In addition, corporate and third-party developers can create custom applications that bolt on to the DataScope 4.0 engine and hence profit from its powerful data visualization and data mining capabilities. The new release is expected to be shipped to the marketplace before the end of the year.