Young Agents Committee of Indiana Named 2000 Outstanding

October 30, 2000

The Indiana Young Agents Committee was one of several state associations that were honored with national awards of excellence at IIAA’s 2000 Young Agents Leadership Conference, held Oct. 28-30 at the Orlando World Center Marriott.

More than 100 young agents from across the country are gathering for three days of educational training designed to mold the leaders of tomorrow’s independent agency system. The conference features sessions highlighting customer retention, time management and practical workshops on media training and technology all designed specifically for young agents.

The Indiana Young Agents Committee was honored for its outstanding efforts in the areas of political involvement, membership development, committee project and communications in addition to its promotion of the independent agency system.

The state’s Young Agents Committee also was presented with the Outstanding Communications Award and the Outstanding State Committee Project. The Young Agents Committee of the Independent Insurance Agents of Georgia finished runner-up to Indiana in the Outstanding Young Agent Committee category and was honored with the Outstanding Membership Development Award.

“The enthusiasm and positive attitudes these young agents possess leaves me with a great sense of confidence and pride about the next generation of independent agents,” said IIAA President William M. Houston, CPCU, ARM during the awards presentation. “I have a tremendous amount of faith in this group’s ability to maintain the independent agency system and help it prosper for years to come.”

Houston presented the awards at an evening reception. The Young Agents Leadership Conference precedes the national association’s 105th Annual Convention and InfoXchange. More than 2,000 insurance professionals will be attending the four-day event.

Other national Young Agent Committee honorees include: Young Agents Committee of the Independent Insurance Agents of Kentucky (Outstanding Political Involvement Award); the Young Agents Committee of the Michigan Association of Insurance Agents (Outstanding State Committee Project); and Young Agents Committee of the Insurance Brokers and Agents of the West (Outstanding Young Agent Meeting Award).

“These awards are a recognition of a job well done by an energetic group of young agents and leaders,” said Houston. “We congratulate this year’s honorees and issue the challenge to young agents around the country to share their successes with us at next years conference.”