ACCCT to Release BEEP Version 2.0

October 5, 2000

The American Cooperative Council on Compensation Technology (ACCCT), comprised of workers’ compensation insurance data gathering and rate advisory organizations, announced that an updated, enhanced version of its Bureau Entry and Edit Package (BEEP) will be available to all interested, licensed workers’ compensation insurers by October 31, 2000.

Registered BEEP users will automatically receive the new BEEP version 2.0 release. The BEEP software package permits insurers to efficiently compile workers’ compensation statistical reporting information for submission to nearly all states with the except ion of monopolistic jurisdictions.

BEEP 2.0 allows for extensive editing of unit statistical data in the following jurisdictions with ACCCT members: California, Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California; Delaware, Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau, Inc.; Massachusetts, Workers’ Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau of Massachusetts; Michigan, Compensation Advisory Organization of Michigan; Minnesota, Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Insurers Association, Inc.; New York, New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board; North Carolina, North Carolina Rate Bureau; Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau; and Wisconsin, Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau.

In all other non-monopolistic jurisdictions, BEEP 2.0 will allow carriers to compile unit statistical data, but with fewer validation checks than are available for ACCCT jurisdictions. The programming for BEEP 2.0 was performed by Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO), which will maintain a telephone line for customer service and support for users.