BenefitMall Offers New Census Tool

August 30, 2000 has released a new Census Management Tool for insurance brokers that it expects will simplify the development of online quotes. The new software, Census Management Tool V1.0, is Microsoft Excel-based and resides on the desktop where brokers can easily and quickly enter census data for their small business customer base.

Once the broker signs onto, the Census Management Tool can automatically upload the census information for the specified company into BenefitMall’s quote engine, freeing the broker from having to enter a client’s census each time a quote is needed or adjusted.

The new Census Management Tool will be available to registered brokers as a free download today from the BenefitMall site. Brokers can input census data, cut and paste the data from another application or e-mail the Census Management Tool file to their customer for census data input.

The program, which requires 348KB of memory, can easily be e-mailed between brokers and clients for updates and verification of data. And, since it is Excel-based, it should prove easy to use for the majority of brokers. Previously, the census of each small business was entered while the broker was online.

However, with the new Census Management Tool residing on the broker’s desktop, brokers avoid the possibility of a lost connection or system glitch wiping out the online file, which would require the census data to be re-entered. In addition, the new tool validates each field to ensure all entered information is correct.