WebCE, DMR Assoc. Partner to Offer CE Courses

August 18, 2000

WebCE, a provider of Internet-based continuing education courses tot he insurance industry, has partnered with DMR & Assoc., Inc., a Plano provider of lead and recruiting solutions to the insurance and banking industries, to offer state-approved correspondence courses.

As part of the agreement, WebCE will also convert and deliver selected DMR classroom courses over the Internet. The alliance will enable WebCE’s independent insurance agent customers to expand their options for completing continuing education requirements.

Under the terms of the agreement, WebCE and DMR will jointly develop their respective CE niches within the insurance industry. Customers who purchase WebCE or DMR courses together will pay substantially less than if they purchased these products separately. In addition, WebCE has agreed to provide these customers with direct access to WebCE’s customer service and support.