SIAA Expands its Membership in 2000

August 2, 2000

The Strategic Independent Agents Alliance (SIAA), a national network of independent insurance agencies, reported significant growth during the second quarter of 2000.

During the period of April 1-June 30, the Swanzey, N.H.-based organization added 49 new members to reach a total membership count of 486, added $105 million in new premium volume to reach a total of $1.35 billion in premium volume, and reached a total of 117.5 territories in 44 states. New territories served by SIAA members include Delaware, the rest of Long Island and Maryland, and parts of Virginia and North Carolina.

Members include independent insurance agencies, direct writers and captive agencies accessing more than 1.5 million insureds. SIAA is an agency distribution network dedicated to the creation, retention, and growth of the independent insurance agency system. SIAA works through large regional agencies, which in turn support their own networks of local independent agencies. By consolidating member premium, SIAA is able to help agencies achieve significant income and equity growth opportunities through traditional and alternative market channels.