WebCE.com Expands Online Exam Offering to 19 States

July 18, 2000

WebCE.com has expanded the availability of both its proctored and non-proctored online examinations, offering state-approved online exams in 19 states. WebCE.Com’s online testing and proctoring solution, TestSmart(c), which was launched in May, enables insurance professionals to complete their CE training faster and easier.

After completing a CE course, the insurance professional can elect to take a printed or online version of the test. By using TestSmart, the professional will receive instant pass/fail notification via e-mail.

TestSmart is available in Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and West Virginia. With nationwide coverage, WebCE.com is approved to deliver CE accredited curriculum to insurance professionals in all 45 states that allow distance learning. WebCE.com offers more than 50 state-approved insurance courses. More information is available on the company’s Web site, www.webce.com, or at 800/488-9308.