ESurety Launches Agent Web Site

July 18, 2000 has launched a new web site providing a simple to use on-line system to instantly obtain surety bonds. Agents receive quotes, underwriting decisions, market-rate commission, and online delivery of completed documents from multiple companies within minutes. will register agents for access to the site in California initially, and commence a national roll out over the next 6 months. provides key services for insurance agents. Agents can use the website to purchase surety bonds in a matter of seconds, a process that used to take days. Agents benefit from using’s network of surety companies without having to be appointed with each company. provides agents with free access to the surety marketplace while paying agents market rate commission. also offers agents the option of further streamlining product delivery to their customers who wish to access the site directly by providing the agent’s “referral code,” or through a link on the agency’s own web site. This allows the agent to service the occasional bond requirement or the large account, while still receiving commission and full reporting on all transactions.