People Moves: Shelter CEO Rawlins to Retire in 2024; Corbin Named Successor

August 22, 2023

Shelter Insurance Companies announced the retirement of current President & CEO Randa Rawlins effective April 30, 2024. Rawlins became President on January 1, 2021, and added the CEO title on July 1, 2021.

Her retirement will bring an end to her 22-year career with Shelter Insurance®. She first became General Counsel for the group on April 15, 2002. She has served in many roles during her career, including serving as Secretary to the Companies and the Board of Directors, as well as oversight of Government Relations, Claims, Information Services, Information Security, Internal Audit and Marketing. Rawlins will remain on the Board of Directors.

Her successor, elected by the Board of Directors, will be Rockne Corbin, who will assume the role of President on January 1, 2024, and CEO on May 1, 2024. Rockne is a 32-year employee of Shelter, with many of those in Claims and Reinsurance operations. Most recently, as Executive Vice President, he has led the companies’ operations in Claims, Actuarial, Underwriting, Reinsurance and Alternate Channels.