North Dakota to Analyze Blockchain Use on Assessing Uninsured Drivers

July 22, 2022

The North Dakota Insurance Department (NDID), in conjunction with the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT), announced it is conducting a proof-of-concept (“POC”) leveraging blockchain technology to identify uninsured drivers.

NDID has selected AAIS (American Association of Insurance Services) and the openIDL open-source Linux Foundation Project to conduct the POC and identify uninsured drivers in the state.

Recent estimates from 2019 estimate that roughly 13% of vehicles in North Dakota are being driven by uninsured drivers. These estimates are thought to be extremely inaccurate since they are derived from known uninsured claims and so do not account for any uninsured property damage claims or small claims resulting in covered claims by no-fault coverage.

NDID is working towards reducing the uninsured motorist issue in the state but must first have a more accurate assessment of the problem. NDID is seeking to leverage blockchain technology to more efficiently and effectively collect the information needed while maintaining the utmost privacy and security of data assembled. Blockchain technology is used as a highly secure digital ledger.

NDID is conducting a POC to correlate data from databases maintained by NDDOT as well as personal line auto carriers to compare the number of registered vehicle identification numbers (VINs) to insured VINs. To assist with this POC, NDID has commissioned AAIS, the national Member-focused advisory organization, and openIDL, the open-source Hyperledger blockchain platform run by The Linux Foundation.

NDID is working with auto insurance companies to enhance the data available for this POC.

Source: NDID