Wisconsin’s M3 Insurance Unveils M3 Elevate for Small Businesses, Individuals

April 30, 2021

Madison, Wisconsin-based M3 Insurance (M3), an insurance broker and risk management firm with seven locations throughout Wisconsin and Illinois, has launched M3 Elevate (Elevate), a new division that encourages small business owners and leaders to think of insurance and benefits as strategic, offensive tools to drive growth, not just necessary evils for protection and defense.

Rather than focusing on “small” businesses, the M3 Elevate model is built to serve “growing” companies, hence the “Elevate” name. M3 Elevate delivers guidance in several insurance-adjacent areas designed to help contribute to businesses’ growth.

M3 Elevate includes four connected specializations: Business Insurance for Growing Companies; Employee Benefits for Growing Companies; Personal Lines; and Medicare.

Matt Cranney, executive vice president of M3 Elevate, has responsibility for overseeing and providing strategic vision and leadership for the new division.

Rebecca Menefee, vice president of M3 Elevate, provides leadership and employee development support of the four sales teams within this newly formed division. She plays an integral role in executing on various strategies designed to grow and retain Elevate clients.

Source: M3 Insurance