Indiana’s Give Away Goal:10,000 Smoke Alarms Within 2 Years

March 22, 2019

The state of Indiana has announced a free smoke alarm program with a goal of installing 10,000 of the lifesaving devices in homes within two years.

The Get Alarmed program managed by the Indiana Fire Marshal offers up to three free smoke alarms for Indiana homeowners. The program works with local fire departments and service providers to properly install the alarms and educate residents about fire prevention and safety.

Get Alarmed is funded with a federal grant. The $521,000 grant will provide 10,000 smoke alarms containing 10-year lithium batteries, 1,000 alarms for deaf and hard-of-hearing people and education for residents, fire departments and service providers.

The Fire Marshal last year tracked 93 fatalities from home fires, a 29 percent increase from 72 recorded the previous year.