Wine Named Securities Head, Shultz Asst. Commissioner at Kansas Insurance Dept.

June 23, 2017

John Wine, current assistant commissioner at the Kansas Insurance Department (KID), has been named securities commissioner within the department, and Clark Shultz has been tapped as Wine’s successor as assistant commissioner.

The administrative changes are a result of the upcoming transition on July 1 of the Kansas Securities Commissioner’s Office into a division of the KID. The appointments were made by Kansas Commissioner of Insurance Ken Selzer.

Wine’s appointment as securities commissioner is subject to Kansas Senate confirmation. An attorney, Wine has been with KID for eight years, serving as general counsel and assistant commissioner. Prior to working at the insurance department, Wine had been on the Kansas Corporation Commission, serving as chair for six years; had served as the securities commissioner in 1995-96; and had been assistant secretary of state.

Wine’s appointment as securities commissioner would run through Jan. 17, 2019, as specified in Senate Bill 23 legislation, which realigned the Securities Commissioner’s Office with KID, effective at the beginning of the upcoming fiscal year.

Shultz is currently deputy commissioner at the insurance department, a role has held since 2015. He previously served as a Kansas state representative and senator. His legislative duties included chairing the House of Representatives Insurance Committee and the Rules Committee.

The insurance department has approximately 105 employees, while the securities office employs approximately 30. For the immediate future, both agencies will continue to be housed in their current Topeka offices.

Source: Kansas Insurance Department