Wildfire Destroys Homes near Nebraska’s Lake McConaughy

March 21, 2017

A fire chief says a wildfire has destroyed at least eight homes and several other buildings near Nebraska’s Lake McConaughy.

Keystone Lemoyne Fire & Rescue Fire Chief Ralph Moul said on March 20 that the blaze has been contained, but fire crews are still watching hot spots. Moul says residents had evacuated as flames raced their way, but several firefighters were treated for minor injuries.

He says more than 100 firefighters from a couple dozen departments responded to calls late Sunday morning. An overnight fire had rekindled as stiff winds whipped up embers near the northeast corner of the lake. He estimated that Sunday’s blaze blackened at least 500 acres.

The chief investigators suspect the original fire Saturday was caused by overheated wheel bearings on a vehicle.