Michigan Traffic Deaths Rose 10 Percent Last Year, Officials Say

May 10, 2016

Officials say Michigan traffic deaths rose 10 percent last year as alcohol-involved, bicyclist, teen and motorcyclist traffic deaths increased.

The Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning says Monday the number of deaths rose from 876 in 2014 to 963 in 2015 according to numbers from the Michigan State Police Criminal Justice Information Center.

The state says the increase was most notable for bicyclist fatalities, up 57 percent from 21 in 2014 to 33 in 2015. Motorcyclist fatalities rose 29 percent, from 107 in 2014 to 138 in 2015.

Michael L. Prince, director of the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning, says officials plan to work with the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute to identify factors that may have played a role in the increase in deaths.
