Correction: Ohio Second in Midwest for Workplace Fatalities

October 14, 2015

Data from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration show Ohio with the second-highest number of workers killed on the job in the agency’s Midwest region this past fiscal year, behind Illinois.

A previous report indicated Ohio was the leader among Midwest states for workplace fatalities.

The agency’s Region V also includes Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Region V spokeswoman Rhonda Burke said on Oct. 14 that final figures show the federal agency investigated 52 fatal work-related accidents in Ohio and 56 in Illinois between Oct. 1, 2014 and Sept. 30, 2015. Preliminary figures had shown Ohio leading the region.

Ohio was one of 24 states to see an increase in fatal occupational injuries in 2014 according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics records.

Former OSHA Cincinnati Area Director Bill Wilkerson previously said he believed increases were due to factors including lack of attention to safe work practices and a newer, younger workforce.