Groups Divided Over Lax ATV Safety Laws in Illinois

July 27, 2015

Illinois has some of the least-restrictive laws regulating all-terrain vehicles, and enthusiasts and consumer advocates are divided about how to make the popular sport safer.

The Chicago Tribune reports that July and August are the deadliest months for ATV accidents. In the first three weeks of this month, there were 43 ATV deaths nationally, including a 12-year-old girl from Chicago’s southwest suburbs.

Illinois has no restrictions on age, use of helmets, number of passengers, or requirements for safety certification, according to the Specialty Vehicle Institute of American, a trade association.

“It unfortunately makes people in Illinois some of the least protected,” said Rachel Weintraub, legislative director for the nonprofit Consumer Federation of America.

Safety advocates want stronger laws, such as minimum-age and helmet requirements. Others say implementing tougher rules doesn’t mean they’ll be followed, particularly in an activity that often occurs off the beaten path.

“I don’t think laws are the answer, because people will kick over fences and ride where they want to,” said Justin Vandenberg, 34, of Rockford, who’s been on ATVs since childhood.

ATVs appeared in 1967 when American Honda dealers sought a new product after motorcycle sales slowed in winter. Farmers soon learned they could complete many tasks on a fraction of the fuel a tractor uses. And, of course, recreational use grew.

“It’s kind of freeing,” said Trevor Glenn of Oregon, a 17-year-old who’s spent nearly a decade riding ATVs and wears protective gear. “You can get away from everything else and have fun.”

Many manufacturers provide safe-usage guidelines on riding, passengers and avoiding paved roadways — where the bulk of fatal accidents occur. The Specialty Vehicle Institute has offered education centers and safety courses since 1988, along with its “Golden Rules” for riding, including wearing a helmet and adult supervision of riders under 16.

The Consumer Federation of America and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that no one under 16 ride an ATV.

Rider groups say more laws could lead to more problems — added work for police departments or more accidents as scofflaws flee the law.

“It’s very difficult to stop an activity just by making it illegal,” said Peter Horst of the American Motorcyclist Association, which represents ATV riders and racers. “You drive it underground.”

Mike Campabello, president of the Chicagoland ATV Riding club, said a better answer might be adding trail systems or ATV parks where users would have to follow safety rules. “The riding areas in Illinois have dwindled,” he said.

The Rocky Glen OHV park in Rockford offers 20 miles of trails and three tracks, said its general manager, Michelle D. Strand. It typically receives Illinois Department of Natural Resources grant money to provide upkeep. ATV riders flood the park on weekends, some of whom camp overnight or bring grills and lawn chairs for a day outdoors.

Riding rules include wearing a helmet, goggles, gloves and over-the-ankle boots, and no passengers on vehicles designed only for one.

“We are constantly watching people and making sure people are being safe,” Strand said.