Illinois’ Euclid Insurance Forms Financial Institutions Underwriting Unit

June 18, 2015

Euclid Insurance Services Inc. (Euclid), based in Itasca, Ill., has formed Euclid Financial Institution Underwriters LLC (Euclid Financial) and hired David McDonald and Jim Thomas to lead the new operation.

Euclid Financial is a program administrator specializing in professional lines for financial institutions. The facility will underwrite Directors & Officers Liability, Errors and Omissions Liability, Employment Practices Liability and Fiduciary Liability for a wide range of financial institutions in the small and mid-sized markets.

Euclid Financial will maintain offices in Framingham, Mass.

McDonald and Thomas each have over 21 years of experience in professional lines underwriting. McDonald and Thomas previously held underwriting and management positions with Chubb & Son, Catlin Inc., XL Capital and Executive Risk Management Associates.