Wisconsin AG Candidate Not Sure About Criminalizing First DUIs

May 12, 2014

Wisconsin attorney general hopeful Susan Happ isn’t convinced criminalizing first-time drunken driving offenses would be the right move.

Happ told a WisPolitics.com luncheon that first-time drunken drivers already face sanctions on their licenses and increased insurance premiums. She said criminalizing first-time offenses would cost the courts money, drive up caseloads for short-staffed district attorney offices and create more litigation. She noted that if a first-time drunken driver hurts or kills someone he or she faces criminal charges.

Happ, the Jefferson County district attorney, is vying for the Democratic nomination with Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne and state Rep. Jon Richards of Milwaukee.

Waukesha County District Attorney Brad Schimel is the only Republican in the race. Incumbent Republican J.B. Van Hollen isn’t seeking re-election.