550 Cited in Minnesota for Texting While Driving

April 23, 2014

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety says law enforcement officers across Minnesota cited 550 people for texting while driving during a recent 10-day crackdown on distracted driving.

The enhanced enforcement campaign by more than 400 departments this month also netted nearly 1,400 citations for failing to wear a seat belt and more than 400 citations and arrests for driving with a revoked or suspended license.

State Patrol Lt. Eric Roeske tells the Star Tribune some drivers think they can multi-task. Besides texting, Roeske says drivers were distracted by shaving, applying makeup, reading newspapers, using their laptops and eating.

DPS says distracted driving contributed to about 17,500 crashes last year. Sixty-eight people lost their lives and more than 8,000 were injured.