Druvenga Appointed to Grinnell Mutual Board

December 12, 2013

Randy Druvenga of Waverly, Iowa, was appointed to Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company’s board of directors to fill the unexpired term of Tom Knoll, created by his retirement.

Druvenga has served policyholders of First Maxfield Mutual Insurance Association in Denver since 1997 and has been in his current role of president/treasurer since 2006. Druvenga also serves as the president of First Maxfield Resources Holding Co., which includes ABC Insurance of Hudson, Denver Insurance of Denver, and Harm’s Insurance of Sumner.

Druvenga has earned the Professional Farm Mutual Manager designation from the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) and is a member of the NAMIC Merit Society. He also serves on NAMIC’s Leadership Development committee. Druvenga is currently the vice president of the Mutual Insurance Association of Iowa.

Source: Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company