Combined Insurance Survey Reveals Top Job Differentiators for New Agents

August 12, 2013

A survey by Illinois-based Combined Insurance of more than 400 of its new sales agents reveals that sales training and career advancement opportunities rank top when applying to and choosing an insurance sales employer, the company announced.

Combined Insurance provides supplemental accident, disability, health and life insurance products and is part of the ACE Group of Companies.

Asked to rank the importance of specific decision factors in their search for sales employment, respondents cited the following as very important:

  • Sales Training – 96.7 percent
  • Career Advancement Potential – 87.2 percent
  • Retirement Savings Plans – 83.7 percent
  • Employer-Provided Sales Leads – 83.2 percent
  • Employer-Provided Health Insurance Benefits – 79.5 percent

Combined Insurance’s new hires represent a diverse cross-section of sales-oriented job seekers. Ages range from the 20s through 50-plus, with the majority having education beyond high school. In addition, 63 percent of those surveyed were already employed when they chose the position with Combined Insurance and most of those who responded as unemployed, had been so for only one to four months.

The survey also revealed that more than 90 percent of respondents had previous sales experience of some kind, with just over 50 percent having prior insurance industry experience. Other top sales experience categories included retail, financial services, banking and real estate.

Source: Combined Insurance